October 2015
Do Not Track et In Limbo : le webdoc sur mesure | FMC Veille
by srcmaxAnalyse de deux webdocumentaires réalisés en coproduction avec la France, le Canada et l’Allemagne qui utilisent les données personnelles de l’auditoire pour adapter le contenu de l’œuvre.
May 2015
News | Polar Star Films
by srcmaxNext up was the enfant terrible of interactive documentary, Alexandre Brachet of Upian. A pioneer of interactive content since 1998, we were given an insider view to pinnacle pieces such as Gaza-Sderot, Alma and their current project Do not track, an interactive series that really chimed a bell for us since it’s subject matter, privacy on the web, takes up the baton just where Polar Star Films’ Google and the World Brain and facebook app The World Brain left off
April 2015
Do not Track: an online, interactive documentary about who’s watching you | World news | The Guardian
by gregg & 2 othersBrett Gaylor is creator and director of the show that reveals how we are being followed online by a host of companies
This Surveillance Documentary Creeps You Out With How Much It Knows About You | Motherboard
by gregg & 2 othersDo Not Track aims to demystify the opaque world of data collection. Websites often use a number—sometimes dozens—of third party trackers on every page to pilfer your data and either use it for advertising purposes or sell it to the people who can. Most of the time, you’re probably blissfully unaware of this. And even if you knew, would you change how you use the web?
March 2015
Doku-Reihe “Do Not Track”: Zuschauer-Überwachung in Echtzeit › Meedia
by greggDigital Economy Mit "Do Not Track" hat die französische Produktionsfirma Ubian gemeinsam mit dem BR, Arte und dem National Filmboard of Canada ein außergewöhnliches Fernsehformat geschaffen: In der Doku-Reihe sieht der Zuschauer in Echtzeit, was mit seinen Internet-Daten passiert. Bei MEEDIA verraten die Projektleiterinnen des Bayerischen Rundfunks erste Details.
Cybersurveillance: l’ONF et Traque interdite – Cybersurveillance – Société – Voir.ca
by gregg (via)ONF va dévoiler sous peu une web série documentaire à propos de la surveillance en ligne, Traque Interdite. Petite incursion dans le monde de vos données personnelles.
Interactive Storytelling And Innovation Collide at Spring Studios For 2015 Tribeca Film Festival | Tribeca
by gregg (via)To what extent are you being tracked? In this personalized documentary series about privacy and the web economy, creator Brett Gaylor will reveal what the web knows about you— that is if you share your data with him. From mobile phones to social networks, and personalized advertising to big data, this project shows how the modern web is increasingly a space where our movements, speech, and identities are being recorded.
Traque interdite : Parce que vos données racontent une histoire | Branchez-vous
by gregg (via)Le nouveau projet du réalisateur de RIP : A Remix Manifesto souhaite mettre à profit vos données personnelles afin de mieux comprendre comment nous sommes traqués en ligne.
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