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PUBLIC MARKS with tags design & search


web design programming blog software reference music tools css javascript art news linux google ajax blogs java webdesign howto search cool internet politics fun mac maps humor rss development photography toread technology flash tech tutorial games funny

by hurlantenova
web design programming blog software reference music tools css javascript art news linux google ajax blogs java webdesign howto search cool internet politics fun mac maps humor rss development photography toread technology flash tech tutorial games funny Homepage

by sierraluna & 6 others (via) provides direct links to over 7000 scholarly periodicals which allow some or all of their online content to be viewed by ANYONE with Internet access for free (though some may require free registration). The issue(s) which are available for free are indicated for each title on the alphabetical periodical lists. The design of this site is optimized for users seeking specific articles for which they already have the citation. If some of the articles you need are not available for free online, you may obtain them for a fee through a document delivery service, such as Pinpoint Documents. If you wish to "search" for articles on a particular topic, please use a bibliographic database such as PubMed. This site does not attempt to list ALL periodicals on the Internet, only those which offer free full-text content. Titles will be removed from this list if they cease to offer any free full-text content.

Designers Toolbox: Calendar

by ernest
awards calendar de disseny

Designs by Nick Finck

by ernest
porta a tres portals cadascun en un ambit diferent per al web design process (,, , em perd el q la aifia hagi canviat de domini


PUBLIC TAGS related to tag design

car +   diy +   home +   mop +   pulizia +   rc +   shoes +   toy +