public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags delicious & webdoc

November 2009

Vues Migratoires : les migrations humaines vues par la 1ère ES3 du lycée Jean Renoir de Bondy

by HK
Vues Migratoires est un projet réalisé en collaboration avec les élèves de la 1ère ES3 du lycée Jean Renoir de Bondy. Centré sur la question des migrations humaines, ce webdocumentaire est l'occasion d'explorer les techniques de récit multimédia mais aussi de faire se rencontrer le monde de l'entreprise (Upian) et des écoles (Lycée Jean Renoir).

October 2009

by HK
What happens in disaster areas the day after international media attention is gone? Starting from Italy Earthquake tent camps, on a global web platform we follow the everyday lives of people slowly building a new beginning. “FROM ZERO” is an Internet documentary series that follows life inside one emergency tent camp in Abruzzi, Italy. Our characters are all engaged either in the organization of the tent-camp or involved in their own reconstruction process.

September 2009

Montréal en 12 lieux

by HK & 6 others
Montréal en 12 lieux est une série documentaire télévisée et une expérience immersive sur le web. Découvrez la ville et les gens qui l'habitent

PIB || Les Canadiens et la crise en 250 films et essais-photographiques

by HK
La crise fait mal. Mais les Canadiens ont trouvé plus d'une façon de faire face à l'adversité. Pendant un an, l'ONF vous invite à suivre leurs récits inspirants.

[Florian Thalhofer]

by HK
founder of the Korsakow system

June 2009


by HK
Regular bloggery on the development of Boomtown Babylon; a multi-authored web documentary about the contrasts and parallels of our urban civilization in six cities around the world

Andaman Rising: Raising Burmese

by HK
Raising Burmese School is important to Toe Toe's mother. So Rose keeps the 9-year-old’s hair cut and helps with homework. At the first sign of fever, Rose’s hand is the one reaching for Toe Toe's forehead. Yet, Rose is not Toe Toe’s mother. Rose is a teacher at one of the few schools for Burmese children in Thailand. Two years ago, she and her husband welcomed Toe Toe and her brother into their one-room home. The biological parents – old acquaintances from Myanmar – live 1.5 hours away on a rubber plantation with little time to meet the children’s simple needs such as supervision. There is also no school nearby. Through two couples’ sacrifice, two Burmese children now face a brighter future in a foreign land.

May 2009

City of Memory

by HK
An interactive urban story map of New York

MediaStorm: A Multimedia Production Studio

by HK & 3 others
Originally founded in 1994 at the University of Missouri School of Journalism, MediaStorm relaunched in March of 2005 with a focus on creating cinematic narratives for distribution across a variety of platforms. In November 2005, MediaStorm premiered its award-winning multimedia publication Utilizing animation, audio, video and the power of still photography, we publish diverse narratives that speak to the heart of the human condition.

April 2009


by HK
Société de développement nouveaux médias

P.O.V. Blog | multimedia

by HK
"... the Internet permits us to blend still photographs with audio, text, video, and databases to make compelling content that is far richer than print or broadcasting typically deliver. This new world of visual story telling gives us a chance to reinvent the form and to adapt integration of various media types to tell the most compelling possible story. "

Life In Perpetual Beta | Home

by HK
Life in Perpetual Beta is a documentary film about the ways in which technology has/is/will change the ways in which we thinkg about ourselves as individuals and a society. It is exploring the culutral shift that technology creates as it enables people to live less planned and more passionate lives.

March 2009

YouTube - Follow Your INSTINCT

by HK
Cela fait déjà plus de 6 mois que YouTube a lancé cette fonctionnalité, mais elle restait jusqu’à présent encore peu utilisée. Cette fonction, c’est l’interactivité dans les vidéos, avec des liens intégrés dans le format et pouvant rediriger vers d’autres vidéos. il y a eu Samsung, en Août, qui n’a pas tardé (à peine deux mois) pour exploiter cette fonctionnalité innovante de YouTube pour faire parler de son téléphone “Instinct” de manière très cohérente. En effet, chaque vidéo se finissait par un choix demandant si vous voulez “suivre votre instinct” (le téléphone donc).


by HK
Les Concerts à emporter sont le premier podcast vidéo de la Blogothèque. Chaque semaine, une session filmée avec un artiste ou un groupe invité à jouer dans la ville, un bar, la rue, un parc, un appartement, avec les incidents de passage, les hésitations, les coups de folie. Sans montage cosmétique, avec un son brut : capturer un instant, filmer la musique comme elle est arrivée, sans préparation, sans artifices.

Left Behind | By Dai Sugano/San Jose Mercury News

by HK
very aesthetic video footage shot in India

CCA Actions

by HK
The Canadian Centre for Architecture (CCA) presents the exhibition Actions: What You Can Do With the City, an exhibition with 99 actions that instigate positive change in contemporary cities around the world. Seemingly common activities such as walking, playing, recycling, and gardening are pushed beyond their usual definition by the international architects, artists, and collectives featured in the exhibition. Their experimental interactions with the urban environment show the potential influence personal involvement can have in shaping the city, and challenge fellow residents to participate.

For Timeliness, Robert Greenwald’s Afghanistan Documentary Is Released on the Web -

by HK
The activist filmmaker Robert Greenwald has tried for years to speed up the production process for his documentaries. Now, he says, he is creating one he can release almost immediately, in stages.

Interactive Narratives - The Best in Multimedia Storytelling and Multimedia Journalism

by HK & 4 others
Interactive Narratives and the Online News Association Interactive Narratives is designed to capture the best of online visual storytelling as practiced by online and print journalists from around the country and the world. Our goal is to highlight rich-media content, engaging storytelling, and eye-popping design in an environment that fosters interaction, discussion, and learning. The site is sponsored by the Online News Association, which works to foster innovation among online journalists and help those journalists, freelancers, academics, and students learn from the best practitioners in the field and from each other.

February 2009

Chapitre 3 : le web-documentaire, demain tous reporters ?

by HK
Si Internet se dessine comme le support béni des nouvelles narrations de l'audiovisuel et du cinéma, la fiction documentaire, elle, semble épargnée par sa considération. C'est un dogme en effet : l'image dessert le divertissement mais pas toujours l'information, davantage privilégiée par l'écrit. Le web-documentaire existe pourtant... comme un mix de l'un et de l'autre.