public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags & tags

July 2005

June 2005

Tag, Taxonomie et DotClear

by François Hodierne & 6 others
<blockquote><p>On peut lire beaucoup de choses contradictoires sur les carnets Web qui touchent aux tags (étiquettes), aux taxonomies, au Web sémantique. Dépendant du camp dans lequel on se trouve, les opinions diffèrent. Une mythologie se développent petit à petit des deux côtés.</p></blockquote>

Browse: tags by file type

by hchicha & 3 others now allows users to browse tags by media

Cloudalicious - Watching Tag Clouds Over Time

by philippej & 9 others
" the actual tags that people use to describe a given URL change over time".

May 2005

Faites que vos favoris soient automatiquement installés sur furl,, spurl, connotea, etc

by arnet & 79 others (via)
Arme de destruction massive si killi, notre ami, test le site : Faites que vos favoris soient automatiquement installés sur furl,, spurl, connotea, etc

It's a Tag World !

by ramage & 12 others
tag aggregator (taggregator?) for the recently-tagged from technorati/flickr/del.ici.ous/blogmarks: rss feeds available too

Google has tags and RSS feed autodiscovery?

by François Hodierne & 2 others (via)
I think Rael smoke to much. He just installed a fuckin extension or greasemonkey script.

by ramage
Headshift's.taggable interface for BBC News

Headshift | social tagging for the BBC

by ramage & 1 other
discusses another tagging interface for BBC News that also pulls in content from, Technorati and Flickr BBC NEWS | News Front Page

by ramage & 1 other
interface enabling users to tag BBC news stories - imagine this done for other online news providers

How to combine both freeform and structured tags

by philippej & 2 others
InfoWorld succombe aux tags : "The downside is that we're probably going to phase out or at least simplify the robust taxonomy that we spent so much time and energy building and refining over the years".

O'Reilly Radar

by François Hodierne & 19 others
Nice designed weblog. Interesting and tags integration.