public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag cv

June 2005

Fabrice Gangler : contact et informations professionnelles (CV)

by dzc
Conseil, accompagnement technique et formation à la gestion de l'information, au travail collaboratif, à la sécurité informatique et à la conception d'application Web (XML/XSLT, PHP/MySQL, XHTML/CSS, Javascript, Ajax, référencement, accessibilité, ergonomie).

May 2005

Ruth Kikin-Gil's site

by Sheino
Explore ways where existing social interactions and behaviors can be supported (or transformed) by technology and be better facilitated through new products and services. Subconscious

by Sheino
Collective Subconscious is an installation that imprints a dynamic collage of reverberating thoughts on a public space as people move through it.

Développeur PHP, Flash, Javascript

by sutekidane (via)
Mon CV Développeur PHP, Flash, Javascript sur Lyon


by link-devblog & 2 others (via)
Développeur multimédia à Toulouse, weblog personnel, CV, XHTML, CSS, PHP, Photographies et humeurs diverses

April 2005

ITP students gallery 2005

by Sheino
Projects including installation based work, digital video and audio pieces, interactive 3D, games and educational applications, to name only a few.

andreea chelaru | portfolio

by Sheino
Interaction designer portfolio with interesting projects


by stoto98 & 2 others
Développeur multimédia à Toulouse, weblog personnel, CV, XHTML, CSS, PHP, Photographies et humeurs diverses

March 2005

Olivier Meunier - CV

by François Hodierne
Développeur Internet / Intranet. 9 ans d'expérience Web. Réalisation de logiciels libres

February 2005

Matthew M. Boedicker - LaTeX Resume Tips

by jinjiru
From Matthew M. Boedicker. His Résumé looks a bit of a mess to me, and it's a Résumé (cf. CV), but good links to other resources.

Conseils CV

by _Nico
Conseils pour le CV, la lettre de motivation,et entretien d'embauche

January 2005

December 2004

November 2004

October 2004