public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags css & ressources

July 2005

Web Developer's Handbook

by Gankaku & 181 others (via)
Ressources en tout genre sur les technologies web.

Web Developer's Handbook

by .rico & 181 others (via)
Developing web-sites, exploring own imagination, CSS, Color Tools, SEO, Usability etc.

Web Developer's Handbook

by marco & 181 others
Developing web-sites, exploring own imagination, CSS, Color Tools, SEO, Usability etc.

June 2005

Essential bookmarks for web-designers and webdevelopers | CSS, Color Tools, Royalty free photos, Usability etc.

by nhoizey & 37 others (via)
In a nutshell, I uploaded the page somewhere in the middle of April; "Web-Dev-Bookmarks' was weekly updated, new links were added; consequently, the visitors started to lose track on a huge number of links; the page has become packed with numerous references which have made the navigation and the use of bookmarks more complex. So the reason for changing the basic concept of this project was a huge number of suggestions and links, which have overflooded my mailbox recently.

April 2005, le web design puisé à la source

by -Nicolas- & 75 others, 2 comments
Créé en 2001, la mission de Pompage est de traduire suffisamment d'articles pour établir une base de connaissances conséquente en français afin de répondre à un besoin évident parmi la communauté francophone du web design

by -Nicolas- & 105 others, 1 comment
Site offrant à la fois un regard expert sur le web et des exemples concrets d'utilisation des normes du W3C.

by julie & 10 others (via) vous propose un voyage au coeur des nouvelles normes, de mettre en avant le travail des webmestres francophones dont le codage et la création graphique sont la preuve que l'avenir nous promet de belles choses.

March 2005

Handheld Stylesheets |

by simon_bricolo
Stylesheets for handheld devices

February 2005

Resources | Stylegala

by ygirod
Stylegala aims to promote, discuss and inspire the web audience in the areas of design, CSS and web standards - combined.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag css

length +   line +   lisibilite +   readability +