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PUBLIC MARKS with tags css & flash

March 2007

Des listes d'outils pour le Web

by Giraultises & 15 others, 1 comment (via)
Protolize est un annuaire pour les développeurs. Il liste les outils comme les CSS, Javascript, Ajax, PHP, Ruby, Flash, CMS. A voir...

February 2007

swfIR: swf Image Replacement

by nhoizey & 25 others
swfIR (swf Image Replacement) is here to solve some of the design limitations of the standard HTML image and its widely-accepted associated CSS values, while still supporting standards-based design concepts. Using the dark arts of JavaScript and Flash, swfIR gives you the ability to apply an assortment of visual effects to any or all images on your website. Through progressive enhancement, it looks through your page and can easily add some new flavor to standard image styling.

swfIR: swf Image Replacement

by marco & 25 others
swfIR (swf Image Replacement) is here to solve some of the design limitations of the standard HTML image and its widely-accepted associated CSS values, while still supporting standards-based design concepts - Essential web tools in one place

by Yann_L & 7 others
# CSS # Javascript # Ajax # PHP # Ruby # Flash # CMS # Inspiration - Essential web tools in one place

by Dawa & 7 others
# CSS # Javascript # Ajax # PHP # Ruby # Flash # CMS # Inspiration - Essential web tools in one place

by cascamorto & 7 others
# CSS # Javascript # Ajax # PHP # Ruby # Flash # CMS # Inspiration

January 2007

Tutorials Round-Up: Ajax, CSS, PHP and More | Smashing Magazine

by bertier & 5 others
Ajax, CSS, Flash, JavaScript, PHP, MySQL, RSS, XML as well as ASP, C , Perl, Python and Java tutorials

Tutorials Round-Up: Ajax, CSS, PHP and More | Smashing Magazine

by naudjf & 5 others (via)
Ajax, CSS, Flash, JavaScript, PHP, MySQL, RSS, XML as well as ASP, C , Perl, Python and Java tutorials

Openweb - Créer des pop-up intelligentes

by LuciferX & 4 others
Informations sur les principaux standards du Web et les navigateurs qui les respectent, conseils aux développeurs soucieux de l'accessibilité. Conception graphique, montage Xhtml1.0/Css2

Cyberformateur : Cours et tutoriaux sur Dreamweaver, Flash, Coursebuilder

by LuciferX & 4 others
Cours et tutoriaux pour approfondir ses connaissances dans le domaine du Web : Dreamweaver, Html, CSS, référencement,Fireworks, etc...