public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag critère


Search Engine Ranking Factors | SEOmoz

by nhoizey & 3 others
Every two years, SEOmoz surveys top SEO experts in the field worldwide on their opinions of the algorithmic elements that comprise search engine rankings.


Comment choisir son NetBook ?

by nhoizey
En attendant qu'Apple nous sorte enfin sa contre attaque, voilà matière à réflexion sur les critères de choix d'un NetBook.


ESB SOA RFP Questions

by nhoizey
Here is a list of generic Request for Proposal (RFP) or Request for Information (RFI) questions that offer a good start to an RFP specific to your requirements.

Choix d'un écran plat Full HD entre 46" et 52" »

by nhoizey
Je me lance dans l'étude du marché pour m'acheter prochainement une nouvelle télé...


BPMS Watch » Gartner BPMS Quadrant Released

by nhoizey (via)
We did not make it because our revenues are less than $20M. According to such a criteria, a company like JBoss would not make it either. Go figure… Yet, I tend to believe that Gartner is not really supportive of Open Source in general

Active users

last mark : 02/09/2009 10:00

last mark : 24/08/2009 14:09