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February 2006

GLS Conference Overview

by bcpbcp (via)
Recent research has begun to elucidate the key principles of learning that well-designed games can and do embody. At the same time, the broader social significance of gaming culture has become a topic for scholarship across a diversity of fields. Games and simulations do not only reveal new worlds in the virtual realm, they also inspire new world views in the physical one. A vast range of videogames and game-related literature has found its way into curriculum, business, entertainment, and government across the country. Millions of people play, both for work and for recreation – and they participate in ongoing economic and social change as a result. As interest in videogames intensifies and the number of events dedicated to their discussion increases, it is crucial that issues of learning and the social role of games do not get lost in the equally worthy cause of industry-building.

Terra Nova: GLS Conference: Submissions Deadline Extended

by bcpbcp
Deadline for submission to the second annual Games, Learning & Society (GLS) Conference to be held June 15-16, 2006 in Madison, Wisconsin has been extended to March 3, 2006.

January 2006

Slashdot | Sex in Games Conference Announced

by bcpbcp
According to the group putting it on, the conference is to 'focus on the design, development, and technology of sex in video games from a national as well as international perspective.'

November 2005

Casuality Seattle, a Seattle Games Conference for Game Developers, Publishers and Distributors

by bcpbcp (via)
"Welcome to Casuality Seattle, a Seattle Games Conference for Game Developers, Publishers and Distributors. Casuality Seattle is a conference administered, designed and organized by an independent group of casual game industry professionals to address the specific needs of casual game developers, publishers and distributors across all distribution platforms: PC Download, Mac, retail, XBox Live Arcade, handheld and wireless mobile."

October 2005

Games for Change Conference . Oct 21-22, 2005 . New York, NY

by bcpbcp (via)
The conference dedicated to Social Change through Digital Games will explore best practices and theory from distribution to funding.

DiGRA 2005 Conference of the Digital Games Research Association (Janet H. Murray)

by bcpbcp
The Last Word on Ludology v Narratology; The Future of Electronic Games: Lessons from the first 250,000 years

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last mark : 25/02/2006 14:30