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PUBLIC MARKS with tags "command line" & ubuntu

25 May 2010 08:30

/usr/bin/cal changelog

by sylvainulg (via)
since the upgrade to lucid lynx, my computer throws "cal: option requires an argument -- 'm'" at me when I invoke "cal -m" to specify I'd love to have the week starting on monday. ""Proper" honoring of LC_TIME mixing it with command line options" says the changelog. I spot that those LC_* settings are actually pointing the library towards a data chunk located in /usr/lib/locale/<language setting, e.g. en_DK.utf8>/<subset, e.g. LC_TIME, LC_MONETARY, etc.>

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag "command line"

linux +   ubuntu +   unicode +   update +  

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last mark : 25/05/2010 08:35