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PUBLIC MARKS with tag collations


What is the difference between Character Sets, Encoding & Collations

by calipussoftware (via)
You must have heard before about these terms – Encoding, Character Sets and Collations. So what exactly these terms means ?


Gérer les collations de MySQL - JDN Développeurs

by camel & 3 others
Nécessaires dans le cadre d'applications utilisées à l'international, les collations précisent les règles à appliquer lors de la gestion des contenus. Explications et exemples de requêtes.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag collations

calipus +   calipussoftware +   character sets +   development +   encoding +   mysql +   php +   software +  

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last mark : 14/03/2015 13:28

last mark : 24/01/2006 20:21