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PUBLIC MARKS with tags code & google

September 2008

phpsocketdaemon - Google Code

by greut & 2 others

By using this library you can focus on implementing protocol and logic, instead of spending countless hours of writing and debugging asynchronous, non blocking, high performance socket routines.

PHP is getting massive ?

August 2008

Geolocation Module API - Gears API - Google Code

by greut

The Geolocation module enables a web application to obtain a user's geographical position.

how evil is this?

July 2008

hypertable - Google Code

by pyros
A high performance, scalable, distributed storage and processing system for structured and unstructured data.

ratproxy - Google Code

by camel & 6 others (via)
Google vient d’annoncer qu’il proposait son outil Ratproxy, permettant de dénicher les failles de sécurité dans les sites web, sous licence Open Source Apache. Chaque webmaster digne de ce nom pourra ainsi utiliser le logiciel, disponible sous FreeBSD, Linux, Mac OS X ou Windows, pour savoir si son site présente des dangers d’intrusion ou de piratage. Google indique que pour l’instant, le système est en version bêta et qu’il n’est pas infaillible, l’utilisation de solutions plus complète et l’analyse humaine d’un professionnel restant encore aujourd’hui indispensable.

ratproxy - Google Code

by kasi77 & 6 others
A semi-automated, largely passive web application security audit tool, optimized for an accurate and sensitive detection, and automatic annotation, of potential problems and security-relevant design patterns based on the observation of existing, user-initiated traffic in complex web 2.0 environments.

ratproxy - Google Code

by webs & 6 others
passive web application security assessment tool

June 2008

ncache - Google Code

by greut & 4 others (via)

a web cache system base on nginx web server. faster and more efficient than squid.

Official Google Docs Blog: Embed your forms

by kasi77
Since we launched spreadsheet forms in January, one of the top user questions has been "How can I embed my form into a website or blog?" Last night, we added this option. You'll see this new feature during form creation, when you're prompted to invite people to fill out your form. Just skip the invitation step and look for "Embed" in the upper right-hand corner of the page. Paste the code provided into your blog or website.

May 2008

twoorl - Google Code

by webs & 1 other
Twoorl is an open source Twitter clone written in Erlang using the ErlyWeb framework

Google Earth dans votre navigateur

by Giraultises & 1 other (via)
Un plugin est maintenant disponible pour disposer de Google Earth dans votre navigateur Internet. Ce plugin est disponible pour Firefox 2.x, IE 6 et IE 7, mais seulement sur Windows.

Welcome - doctype - Google Code

by damdec & 4 others
Google à mis en ligne il y a quelques jours une ressource intéressante: DocType, la documentation complète DOM / HTML et CSS La documentation est très complète et ajoute aussi quelques articles fort intéressants sur les bonnes pratiques du HTML, des trucs et astuces, etc…

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag code

bundle +   css +   development +   documentation +   eclipse +   html +   productivity +   programming +   radrails +   rubyonrails +   snippets +   template +   TextMate +   web +