public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag career

March 2006

Amanda Gore: Official Homepage.

by micah
International speaker for Leadership, Lifestyle, Group Dynamics, Motivation/Teamwork, Cultural Transformations, Organizational Change, Wellness, Stress Management, Communication and more. » Looking Busy

by micah (via)
What I’ve come to find is that people wear their busyness as a badge of honor. The busier you are, the more important you are. The more important you are, the busier you need to look. The word business itself is the noun form describing a state of being busy.

February 2006

mezzoblue § Speaking? Tips.

by micah & 3 others (via)
These tips will probably be more relevant if you’re a nervous talker and you suspect you won’t fill in enough time. (If you’re a rambler, there are other people who can offer you far better advice than I.)

Conference Presentation Judo

by micah & 1 other
I gave this talk at YAPC in St. Louis in 2002. It's about how to give a successful three-hour conference tutorial.

Creating Passionate Users: How to speak at a tech conference

by micah & 1 other (via)
I've asked some conference organizers to help me come up with tips for those who'd like to speak at a for-profit tech conference. The more diversity we have, the greater the collective intelligence.

Bona tempora volvant--by Guy Kawasaki: How to Get a Standing Ovation

by micah & 1 other (via)
The purpose of this blog entry is to help you give great speeches.

Trend in U.S. jobless claims lowest in nearly 6 years

by jasontromm
First-time applications for U.S. unemployment benefits edged higher by 4,000 to 277,000 in the week ending Feb. 4, the Labor Department said Thursday. "Claims are a good leading indicator of the unemployment rate; these data suggest the rate will be nudging 4% by mid-summer," said Ian Shepherdson, chief U.S. economist for High Frequency Economics.

Mental State Called Flow

by micah (via)
Do you plan to get into flow, does it come upon you more as a kind of inspiration, or is it not necessary for you? Do you use tactics to improve your team's ability to flow? Which particular events disrupt flow the most, and how do you solve them?


by jackysee (via)

January 2006

Get Paid to Blog

by powerprofitportal
Learn how professional bloggers have made blogging into a career.

How to Do What You Love

by micah & 8 others (via)
To do something well you have to like it. That idea is not exactly novel. We've got it down to four words: "Do what you love." But it's not enough just to tell people that. Doing what you love is complicated.

Data Entry Jobs

by cbimocom
This ebook expains how to work from home doing data entry.