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PUBLIC MARKS with tags blogging & blogs

August 2009

Crédito Pessoal

by minijogos
Articles with informations about credit cards, personal loans, etc.

November 2008

Contextual Discussions - The most important feature of

by dhiraj
The best thing about collaborating via comments is the fact that the comments always remain attached to the content (or the context) of the stuff that you were working on. Its always search-able and reference-able by any body else that is interested in or joins the team.

October 2008

Multiple Blogs– Wordpress Direct Review

by jbshort
Wordpress Direct is a new product in a long line of automated Internet marketing systems that seem to be in vogue now. My guess is that these automated systems are popular because there are so many new marketers who are trying to quickly get their piece of the pie.

June 2008

Color Box Widget

by zerowww
Add this cool color design widget to your blog.

April 2008

Loic Le Meur Blog: My social map is totally decentralized but I want it back on my blog

by springnet
The challenge for Friendfeed and the like is that while I really like all my services gathered in one place, I would rather that these would be centralized on my blog instead of a third party service. Yes you can cross post or add badges, but it's not rea

Social Media

by springnet
video, social networks, citizen media, web 2.0, mobile podcast, blog and news channel

March 2008

Deep Blue Wordpress Theme Released

by springnet
elegant theme created by Nathan Rice. Easy adsense integration

February 2008

Using WordPress as CMS | blogHelper

by springnet & 2 others
WordPress (WP) has always been a highly versatile blogging platform, even way back in v1.2. So versatile that many have attempted to push it to the next level, and use it as a more conventional content management system (CMS) - not unlike Drupal, XOOPS, J

January 2008

dooce ®

by springnet & 4 others
our panel will be held Sunday, March 9th, if you are in Austin and can spare the mortgage payment it costs to get into the festival. Maggie will be the one speaking coherently, I will be the one trying to distract her by snapping the elastic on her bra.

Eighth Annual Weblog Awards: The 2008 Bloggies

by springnet & 1 other
Honor. Prestige. Wealth. These are some of the things that a Bloggie won't bring you. But that won't stop the Web from voting, because this is the annual non-profit competition that determines which blogs are the best of the best., the Web 2.0 search engine!

by blogdimension is an alternative Search Engine specialized in the retrieval of exclusively Web 2.0 & blog content. One can search for content by blog search, microblog search, information search, image search, podcast & audio search, video search, people search and shopping 2.0 search... is available in English, French, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Portuguese, Arabic and soon Russian. Stay tuned!

December 2007

One Blog Many Categories or Many Blogs?

by springnet
Am I better off having one blog site with multiple categories or multiple blog sites highlighting specific interests?’

Loic Le Meur Blog

by springnet & 3 others
Wew, that Seesmic review is a Christmas gift ! Thank you Bobbie Johnson to consider that Seesmic will be a hit website in 2008 even though we are still building it. - misc - Best Blogs of 2007 That You (Maybe) Aren't Reading

by springnet
Last year I decided to put on twist on my annual "best blogs" post [2002, 2003, 2004] by taking a turn toward the obscure. it makes little sense to write a post arguing that Huffington Post is better or worse than DailyKos -- or Cute Overload.

November 2007

October 2007

September 2007

Active users

last mark : 07/08/2009 17:48

last mark : 18/11/2008 09:43

last mark : 25/10/2008 11:41

last mark : 08/10/2008 21:14

last mark : 08/06/2008 00:39

last mark : 26/04/2008 12:42

last mark : 21/01/2008 13:11

last mark : 16/01/2008 16:06

last mark : 08/11/2007 13:19

last mark : 22/10/2007 12:59