public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags blog & portfolio

June 2006

FabioGore at DA

by fabiogore
A user of Deviant Art community. With a lot of Graphical Design and some pieces of a portfolio.

May 2006

Carbonmade: Show off your work. Your free online portfolio.

by slogoo & 35 others
Carbonmade个人设计作品集锦. 设计人员用来展示个人设计的图片, 动画, 网站页面等作品的平台. // Portfolio

by azusa & 8 others
Dangergraphics is the online portfolio for Jason Csizmadi. Jason Csizmadi a designer with over 8 year of experience in interactive design. Dangergraphics specializes in clean, beautiful and powerful interactive design.

deviantART: where ART meets application!

by azusa & 143 others, 1 comment
Art - community of artists and those devoted to art. Digital art, skin art, themes, wallpaper art, traditional art, photography, poetry / prose. Art prints.

Kaliber10000 { The Designers' Lunchbox ™ }

by azusa & 35 others
The designers' lunchbox, a global digital design portal for people who actually have something to say, and know how to do it. Updated weekly with a new issue, updated hourly with design news.

Jaredigital. Just a little something to hold my slow jams.

by azusa & 6 others
Jaredigital is the personal portfolio of Jared Christensen, designer and illustrator. Current projects, web log and other paraphernalia grace these pages.

April 2006

March 2006