public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag biology

December 2005

November 2005


by YukuanBlog

October 2005

Fractal Food

by bcpbcp & 2 others
Nearly exact self-similar fractal forms occur do in nature, but I'd never seen such a beautiful and perfect example until, some time after moving to Switzerland, I came across a chou Romanesco like the one above in a grocery store.

September 2005

Tree of Life Web Project Home

by Riduidel & 1 other
A collaborative Internet project containing information about phylogeny and biodiversity

August 2005

July 2005

Becoming Human

by knann & 3 others
Extraordinary interactive documentary that tells the story of our origins. Journey through 4 million years of human evoltion with anthropologist, Don Johnason Several lesson plans related to evolution that may be appropriate for middle school.

May 2005

The Observer | International | Would you Adam 'n' Eve it ... dinosaurs in Eden

by ramage & 1 other
the first dinosaur museum to take a creationist perspective...but, I fear, not the last

'First platypus' still intact

by ramage
what happened to that original specimen that so famously bamboozled the experts?

March 2005