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PUBLIC MARKS with tag biology

July 2006


by YukuanMark
沒有艱深的專有名詞、複雜的黑白圖表。信手拈來的是讓您輕鬆理解、饒富啟發的俏皮彩色插畫。 您可以從最微小的細菌,到最複雜的人類,由16種生命共通的模式貫穿,從生命現象到透視生命


by YukuanMark
我們這個物種正規的林奈氏命名是Homo sapiens,翻譯過來就是「有智慧的人」。這倒像是個自家人才了解的笑話,只要你隨便瀏覽任何一天的報紙頭版就可明白。而如果科學家費盡了艱辛才給我們


by YukuanMark
大陸廣州暨南大學化學系以及依利諾大學芝加哥分校 (University of Illinois at Chicago)微生物及免疫學系的研究小組,進行以原子力顯微鏡(Atomic Force Microscopy, AFM)對紅血球的型態進行分析,以協助判斷

June 2006


by YukuanMark

Bacteria have their own immune system protecting against outside DNA

by YukuanMark
Bacteria like Salmonella have a complicated immune system that helps them recognize and isolate foreign DNA trying to invade their cell membrane, according to a University of Washington-led study in the June 8 issue of Science Express. The research, which

How Life Began: New Research Suggests Simple Approach

by YukuanMark
Somewhere on Earth, close to 4 billion years ago, a set of molecular reactions flipped a switch and became life. Scientists try to imagine this animating event by simplifying the processes that characterize living things.

Bruce Lipton PhD

by wcardinal
Research scientist Bruce Lipton, Ph.D., introduces a long-awaited paradigm shift in the biomedical sciences. The new science will inspire your spirit, engage your mind and challenge your creativity as you comprehend the enormous real potential for applying this information in your life and in your profession.

Dawn of the zombies

by YukuanMark
The Our vision is building the human body on a chip," says Linda Griffith at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. A living, 3D, interconnected set of tissues. The idea is to create not feeling entities but brainless mini-bodies that will be ideal fo


by YukuanMark
人體內的多巴胺第四型受體(dopamine D4 receptor, DRD4)這個基因會控制腦部對多巴胺的反應,而多巴胺正式控制人體「愉悅」感覺的化學物質,而且跟人的性慾有關係。以色列耶路撒冷大學的Richard Ebs

May 2006

Extreme Life on Earth

by YukuanMark
The more we study life on Earth, the more we learn how amazingly resilient it is. Virtually everywhere we look, even in places previously thought to be completely inhospitable to life, we find creatures not just surviving, but thriving. We find organisms

The Genographic Project

by kristyk
Human Migration, Population Genetics, Maps, DNA: This sounds very interesting. I'd love to participate!

Is evolution predictable?

by YukuanMark
Can we predict how animals and plants evolve in response to changes in the environment? Maybe, according to preliminary research from Rice University.


by YukuanBlog
Stewart 的另一著作《生物世界的數學遊戲》譯本,後來也由天下文化出版了,當然二話不說,馬上衝去書街,抱一本回來過過癮


by YukuanMark


by phgod & 7 others


by YukuanMark

LedLightRay : BION - between non-living and living matter

by koibito
“Bion” is an interactive installation that explores the relationship between humans and artificial life.

April 2006

Mathematical Model May Provide Insight into How We Sense

by YukuanMark
The individual cells responsible for responding to sensory inputs--the strong scent of a flower, the light touch of a spring breeze--can cope with only a small amount of input.

幹細胞的魔術師 - 解開長生不老的轉錄迴圈

by YukuanMark

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bioinformatics +   biotechnology +   bootcd +   chemistry +   debian +   distribution +   journal +   linux +   livecd +   news +   opensource +   science +   software +   standards +   syntheticbiology +   systemsbiology +   xml +