public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag bible

01 February 2006

31 January 2006

29 January 2006

The Catholic Forum

by nealtech
This site gets over 8 million page hits each month from 1.5 million visitors. We thank you for your support! The Catholic Forum

28 January 2006

La Bible en ligne

by eleguehennec
darby, segond 1910, ostervald, martin 1855, synodale, jérusalem, tob, oecuménique, français courant, dictionnaire...

26 January 2006

23 January 2006

21 January 2006

19 January 2006

Génération Nouvelle.

by fabfab
De Nouveaux Messages pour une Nouvelle Génération. Des Promesses de Victoire pour apprendre à être plus que vainqueur dans la vie de tous les jours. Faites l'expérience personnelle, intime, profonde, de la Bonté et de l'Amour de Dieu pour vous... Site élu Golden Web Award.

18 January 2006

15 January 2006

04 January 2006

29 December 2005

Agnostic Bible

by looneyfume
This is by no means a cohesive writing project (i.e., one that was planned to take this form at the time it was begun). Instead, this work has grown, somewhat like Topsy. The starting point was my own personal search for Truth, as is true of so many books

27 December 2005

Bible Q&A: Was 'unprofitable servant' saved?

by qoosmicah
Bible Question: "In the parable of the talents, the unprofitable servant, who did nothing with the talent he was given and was sent to outer darkness, was he ever saved? Or will he be in outer darkness with weeping and gnashing of teeth for 1,000 years, then he will be brought into heaven with all the saints?"--HM Bible Answer: In a word, no, to both questions...

21 December 2005

Christian Carnival: Christmas Edition 2005

by jasontromm
It was the week before Christmas and I was using my mouse while surfing the web to buy a new house. My apartment was placed on an ad-space with care with the hopes that some buyer would pay something fair when upon reading an article at Jeremy’s site I was reminded that I was hosting the Carnival tonight!

15 December 2005

14 December 2005

11 December 2005

Nose_y SOIL

by chefranden
Dennis Warren asking about the bible