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PUBLIC MARKS with tags "best practices" & webdesign


Les Pourquoi(s) du Design

by gregg
Ce projet tente de répondre simplement à tous les “pourquoi…” qui sont posés à des graphistes / designers / directeurs artistiques / you name it. Vous n’apprendrez probablement rien en tant que graphiste, mais vous pourrez copier-coller la réponse à cette question déjà entendue 300 fois.


UX Archive

by gregg & 1 other
We want to help people create the best user experiences possible for their apps. In the creative process of shaping such an experience you need to explore what others have done to define what works, what doesn’t and to observe patterns that you should or shouldn’t integrate in your app



Boxes and Arrows: Site Diagrams: Mapping an Information Space

by nhoizey & 2 others (via)
“To successfully communicate the characteristics of an information space, I needed an approach for creating easily understood diagrams. To be useful to my audience, the diagrams must communicate the “big picture” of the website to stakeholders, while providing enough detail to be useful for the development team.”

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag "best practices"

architecture +   couches +   tiers +  

Active users

last mark : 28/02/2014 21:12

last mark : 09/01/2006 08:42

last mark : 22/02/2005 13:24