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PUBLIC MARKS with tags bbc & delicious


BBC - Britain From Above

by HK & 3 others
by Nick Catliff, Ex Prod for Lion Television. A 9-month project. Striking videos of jet flying over country side + gps visuals = more 100 videos. As Nick says, it is indeed not a simple program supported pgm - just not very much more to me. Still an amazing website. Amazing video of commercial ship gps tracked routes across the Manche not even talking about flight routes. Good idea of mashing up with archive content to adress history of Britain. But as he bragged about with merit, webdesign are maybe the most intersting part of this website. Does not make it anything more than a great a TV program based site. Anyway, if anything, it is about extremely entertaining and beautiful HD aeria footage and linear video datavizualition graphics. no discussion ! no interactive graphics for gps without enough ressources. "you can watch it for fun. Or with purpose. From day 1, a 360 project - multiproject A tv show = 5 million views a web show = more but for 10 years



The Predator's Realm

by leaffael
香港中文大学的同学的msn spaces blog,感觉不错,有时间看看,是因为转贴马英九在最近在英国演讲稿点上去的


by leaffael
上面有 小马2/13在LSE(伦敦政经学院)的演讲稿,也是因为这个才看到这个BLOG的,订阅了

BBC - Homes

by leaffael

BBC - BBC News The Open News Archive - Home

by leaffael

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag bbc

academic +   biology +   body +   health +   learning +   psychology +   science +   survey +   test +  

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