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December 2006


by realmip
d就是Linux/Unix下通用的克隆、镜像程序,if=输入的文件 of=输出的文件。由于在Linux下所有的硬件都表示为文件,所以可以进行任何复制、克隆。比如还可以把/dev/hda克隆到MO、磁带以及映像文件中,当然,目标“文件”必须比原“文件”大,不然就会溢出

November 2006 Backupninja

by clochix
Backupninja allows you to coordinate system backup by dropping a few simple configuration files. Backupninja provides a centralized way to configure and schedule many different backup utilities.

Système de sauvegarde sous Debian - Olivier Tétard

by clochix
Ce document présente l'installation de backupninja sous Debian. Ce système de sauvegarde est très évolutif et permet de sauvegarder une grande variété de données

October 2006

Keep: Home

by maddoxeric
A backup application for linux. This is the projects homepage.

Packet Writing on CDRW and DVDRW media

by rustynail
InCD-like operation in Linux. Use CDRW like floppy diskettes.

September 2006

Home - iFolder

by springnet & 5 others
iFolder is a solution that allows people to easily share folders of files of any type with other users, whether they use the same or different operating systems. Thus, Linux, Windows and MacIntosh users can all use iFolder and share folders. The iFolder c

Easy Automated Snapshot-Style Backups with Rsync

by springnet
The rsync utility is a very well-known piece of GPL'd software, written originally by Andrew Tridgell and Paul Mackerras. If you have a common Linux or UNIX variant, then you probably already have it installed; if not, you can download the source code fro

August 2006