public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag artist

May 2009

April 2009

March 2009

First multi-service cooperative for professional artists in NY Metro area

by rikuniaku97
Flash site & brand identity designed by Gerard Dalmon & Eric Vidal - ART-TROPE was born when artist Virginie Tison envisioned an idea to help artists promote their work: provide them with high profile, international locales to exhibit their work, at minimal expense. Today, artists face a mounting challenge in their career: to divide their time between creating art and managing the business of their art. With ART-TROPE, artists can find everything they need: exhibit planning, their very own micro-website, discounted art services, and much more. Artists can focus on being creative and can work independently, while ART-TROPE worries about their promotional & exhibit planning. ART-TROPE ensures effective connections between artists, exhibition sites, and sponsors - everything it takes to break into the art world. ART-TROPE'S mission is to create professional relationships for artists by connecting them with high-profile exhibition sites and well-established sponsors in the creative arena. ART-TROPE helps artists find their place in the professional art market, giving them the opportunity to evolve in every direction they desire. ART-TROPE charges artists a minimal fee and allows them to be independently creative. ART-TROPE builds the bridge between artists, exhibition spaces, and businesses passionate about art.

January 2009

December 2008

November 2008

design:related profile - Brian Jackson

by brianj1400
Exceptional graphic design including work with Mark Ryden.

October 2008

Kurt Wenner

by ujwala & 3 others
Street Painting

strip_altitude.jpg (JPEG Image, 620x4147 pixels)

by sylvainulg (via)
j'aime ... "pensées sur le survol d'une ville, la nuit"

September 2008


by vodkacoca
Aurèle Ricard (dit Aurèle) est un artiste plasticien post-industriel français. Il revendique l’héritage artistique de Andy Warhol, Yves Klein, Joseph Beuys et Robert Malaval en y ajoutant une dimension politique, sociale et écologique singulièrement différente. Son oeuvre puise dans l’histoire de l’art, l’histoire de la société, et dans sa propre histoire qu'il exprime tour à tour par la peinture, la photographie, la vidéo, la sculpture ou des installations et assemblages de toutes sortes.

Les Séditions du Zoeil

by vodkacoca
Soulèvement concerté contre l'autorité établie. Agitation, trouble du corps, lorsqu'il est saisi par une émotion Les Séditions: Fragments dicibles, récit glissant, gesticulations funambules. Le Zoeil: Collectif à l'incarnation indivise, galerie de masques transparents, écrivain singulier. Et dans la vraie vie, espion(s) freelance.


by Krome & 5 others
photography, polaroid, nude, girls. What else?


by vodkacoca & 5 others
photography, polaroid, nude, girls. What else?

August 2008

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag artist

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