public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags ajax & code

March 2010

December 2009

May 2009

April 2009

February 2009

November 2008

reallysimplehistory - Google Code

by holyver & 1 other (via)
Really Simple History is a lightweight JavaScript library for the management of bookmarking and browser history in Ajax/DHTML applications. RSH serializes application data in an internal JavaScript cache so that bookmarks and the back button can be used to return your application to an earlier state. Originally developed by Brad Neuberg in 2005, RSH has won a large user base for its simplicity, ease of use and lack of dependency on any specific Ajax framework. It's written in plain old JavaScript and can be included on any site according to the terms of its BSD license. In September 2007, Brian Dillard of Pathfinder Development came on board as maintainer and ongoing code steward for the project. A new version, with support for additional modern browsers (IE7, Safari, Opera), was released as RSH 0.6 on December 3, 2007.

Developer's Guide - AJAX Libraries API - Google Code

by camel
The AJAX Libraries API is a content distribution network and loading architecture for the most popular open source JavaScript libraries. By using the google.load() method, your application has high speed, globally available access to a growing list of the most popular JavaScript open source libraries.

TYPOlight - CMS - Logiciels Libres - Framasoft

by camel (via)
TYPOlight est un système de gestion de contenu web créé en 2004 par Leo Feyer, et soutenu aujourd’hui par une équipe d’une vingtaine de développeurs. L’objectif était dès le départ de proposer un CMS : * 100% accessible qu’il s’agisse de l’interface d’administration fondée sur AJAX mais fonctionnant aussi sans javascript (suffisamment rare pour être noté) ou du code généré côté utilisateur (tous deux conformes WAI) ; * moderne avec dès le départ une base de code en PHP5 orienté objet, un système de mise à jour automatique (payant, dégressif pour plusieurs domaines), un outil d’installation des extensions simple et sûr et un code généré valide XHTML strict ; * flexible du point de vue de la personnalisation des modèles de page (en s’appuyant sur un solide framework CSS) ou nativement du point de vue des types de contenus (pas de contrainte de structure de type titre - sous-titre - contenu).

August 2008

July 2008

June 2008

🛠 DEV - TUTO - Dyn-web - Dynamic Web Coding - DHTML, JavaScript, Ajax and PHP in action!

by decembre & 2 others
Presenting scripts that are lightweight, unobtrusive, practical, well-documented and easy to implement. Providing tutorials with practical problem solving information.

May 2008

NETTUTS - Web development tutorials and links - Spoonfed Web Tutorials

by springnet & 3 others
NETTUTS is a blog/tutorial site aimed at web designers. We run tutorials on technologies, skills and techniques to improve how you design and build websites. We cover HTML, CSS, Javascript, CMS’s, Simpler Development Examples in PHP and Ruby on Rails, a

Ayman Hourieh's Blog

by springnet
thoughts on Open Source software, Computer Science, and various bits from my life and the web.

Active users

last mark : 13/03/2010 01:03

last mark : 01/12/2009 10:58

last mark : 26/05/2009 09:10

last mark : 08/04/2009 14:49

last mark : 07/02/2009 17:02

last mark : 30/11/2008 14:32

last mark : 19/11/2008 21:30

last mark : 17/07/2008 21:51

last mark : 17/06/2008 21:18

last mark : 29/05/2020 13:03

last mark : 28/05/2008 13:11

last mark : 27/05/2008 21:55

last mark : 16/05/2008 03:21