public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag advertising

July 2009

SEOmoz | A Checklist to Choose Which Internet Marketing Channel is Right for Your Business

by simon_bricolo
My good friend, Aaron Kahlow, posed an interesting question during the Online Marketing Summit yesterday afternoon in Portland, OR. Aaron asked: If a client came to you with $1 million to invest in a single Internet marketing c...

Ad Management Plug-Ins And Tutorials For Your Website |

by simon_bricolo & 1 other
collection of ad management plug-ins for WordPress, Movable Type, Drupal and Joomla

AdRotate |

by simon_bricolo
Wordpress plugin that lets you manage banner ads (even for multiple sizes and different placement)

Who Sees Ads ? Manage your Ads, Control Who Sees Them |

by simon_bricolo & 1 other
Plugin wordpress: Control which visitors see ads on your website, based on where they came from, whether they’re logged in, how old the post is and more.

June 2009

モバイル4大メジャーメディア Yahoo!・mixi・GREE・モバゲーの利用動向定期調査結果をネットエイジアが公開:MarkeZine(マーケジン)

by kuroyagi

May 2009

Social Advertising Best Practices

by sbrothier
Social media is big and getting bigger, providing marketers with a combination of reach, relationships, and relevance: * Reach: Social media has overtaken email as the most popular consumer activity, according to a recent Nielsen study. Importantly, consumer growth is coming from an older demographic than social media's historical base; for example, Facebook's strongest growth is coming from 35-49 year-olds, adding twice as many 50-64-year-olds as opposed to those under 18. (Nielsen “Global Faces and Networked Places,” March 9, 2009; MediaPost Blogs Research Brief, “Social Networking Is No Respecter of Age,” March 18, 2009.) * Relationships: Social media's strength is in the personal connections it enables, the peer-to-peer contact, providing reasons for consumers to visit regularly and for extended periods of time. * Relevance: Consumers are extremely engaged with the content and connections that their friends are creating because of its personal relevance.

Official Google Blog: 30,000 new Google Apps business users at Valeo

by night.kame

This marks a significant moment for Google Apps, because Valeo has 30,000 Internet-connected employees, making this one of the largest enterprise deployments of Google Apps to date. Valeo is moving to the cloud

Bientôt, Google Suggests powered by Valeo. On n'aura même plus besoin de faire de la veille techno.

The Unbearable Lightness of Marketing : 広告会社の帰結 - livedoor Blog(ブログ)

by kuroyagi

切込隊長BLOG(ブログ) Lead‐off man's Blog: アメーバブログのPV数水増し話について

by kuroyagi

April 2009 | salsero | El General – El Tiburon

by kemar
Spécial dédicace pour Géraldine et Magali ♫ [from]

湯川鶴章のIT潮流 powered by ココログ: 新世紀メディア論(小林弘人著)

by kuroyagi

March 2009

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag advertising

focus +   group +   market +   marketing +   qualitative +   quantitative +   research +   survey +