public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags GiftIdeas & inspiration

December 2009

peace. love. equality. - hand embroidered blank greeting cards

by blackgoldfish
hppy holiday: snow much fun: happy wedding day: fly away with me:

November 2009

monday note

by blackgoldfish
every monday for the last year my love has written me a special note. i laid them all out on the floor tonight and read them all again. and then i realized... every monday, for the rest of my life, i'm going to wake up excited to read his note. and if we're lucky, and we live for another 50+ years, i'll be the receiver of over two thousand love notes. not bad huh? :) i think i'll keep him.

abc card

by blackgoldfish
We have a birthday tradition in our family we’ve been doing since we were kids. We go around the dinner table and each person takes a letter of the alphabet, and we say something nice about the birthday girl/boy. A is for Artistic! B is for the Beautiful! We go around and around the table until we get to Z

October 2009

August 2009

a year of lex

by blackgoldfish
"congrats for the first trip around sun"

July 2009

message in a bottle « unruly things

by blackgoldfish (via)
how cute would these be as favors at a wedding, stuffed with cute little notes for each guest. I’m putting this one down in my wedding idea book.

May 2009

Handmade Paper goods on Etsy - Krafty Hellos - 4 cards/envelopes by modernemotive

by blackgoldfish
Text below HELLO reads: Every goodbye makes the next hello closer - Anonymous


by blackgoldfish
這篇教大家如何裡用旅行蒐集的地圖、票根再結合我們旅行所拍攝的影像作品, 製作出具有特別意義,又有獨特創意的「回憶旅行箱」。 準備材料: 1. 準備沖洗或列印好的4x6相片約10張 2. 盒子or 紙板(盒子可以找木片便當盒也可以是糖果盒) 3. 旅行地區地圖、DM 4. 色卡紙一張 5. 紙膠帶 or 重複黏貼黏土 準備工具: 1. 美工刀 2. 切割墊 3. 膠水、相片膠 4. 鉛筆、橡皮擦


by blackgoldfish
準備材料: 1. 準備沖洗或列印好的4x6相片(3x5也可以但邊會有點鬆) 2. 下載繪製好的PDF版型 3. 準備一張有硬度的紙,磅數最好超過80磅的卡紙、素描紙,並裁切成A4大小 (因為要過印表機列印,請特別注意一下紙張厚度!) 4. 裝飾用的貼紙(39元商店或者文具店都有賣,對於手工不巧的人可以買這種現成的貼紙作輔助) 5. 透明片(文具行買賽路路片或者利用產品的透明包裝外盒) 準備工具: 1. 美工刀 2. 切割墊 3. 膠水、雙面膠 4. 鉛筆、橡皮擦

「心意PostCard」 影像生活

by blackgoldfish
選一張有著當時去旅行的共同回憶 選一張有著對方喜歡的物品 選一張可以訴說你想要傳達的話語 準備材料/ 工具: 1. 準備沖洗或列印好的相片 (霧面) 2. 白紙 (可以寫字的紙都可以) 1. 刀片 2. 雙面膠帶 3. 剪圓角器

April 2009

inchmark - inchmark journal - spring in a box

by blackgoldfish
I gathered an assortment of all things yellow and orange and wrapped them up in the brightest paper I could find, including a note about how spring would definitely come.. that they had almost made it through the long cold winter.