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March 2008

Introducing the GMF Runtime

by phumblot
Graphical Modeling Framework (GMF) is a new Eclipse project with the potential to become a keystone framework for the rapid development of standardized Eclipse graphical modeling editors. GMF is divided in two main components: the runtime, and the tooling used to generate editors capable of leveraging the runtime. Architects and developers involved in the development of graphical editors or of plug-ins integrating both EMF and GEF technologies should consider building their editors against the GMF Runtime component. This article is designed to help understand the benefits of the GMF Runtime by presenting its various value-added features.

Learn Eclipse GMF in 15 minutes

by phumblot
This article introduces the Graphical Modeling Framework (GMF) project, shows how to develop a simple Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) model, and transform it into a full-blown graphical editor using GMF's tooling.

August 2006

プログラミングと開発者のためのCodeZine:Eclipse GMFを利用した状態遷移図エディタの作成(Eclipse, GMF, モデリング, ツール)

by fox_b
GMF(Graphical Modeling Framework)はEclipse Foundationがリリースを予定している新しいプロダクトです。GMFを利用することにより、これまで手軽に作ることが難しかったグラフィカルなモデリングツールを簡単に作成することができるようになります。本稿では、GMFを利用した状態遷移図エディタの作成を通して、簡単なGMFの使い方について説明します。

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag GMF

eclipse +   er図 +   UMLモデリングツール +   状態遷移図 +  

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