public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag 2005

05 February 2006

Raph Koster's Home Page | Making the AAA Title: Letters from the Trenches

by bcpbcp
Dan Arey gave a talk at GDC 2005 on developing AAA games, and interviewed several designers for it. The actual interview was quite long, and I skipped many of the questions... but here's the answers to the ones that I did respond to. You can comment here on the blog if you like.

02 February 2006


by arkandis
non disponible dans sa totalité

31 January 2006

30 January 2006

29 January 2006

28 January 2006

Project Densha - The 'Densha Otoko' Translation Project

by bcpbcp (via)
Densha Otoko, or 'Train Man' is the name of a very popular book published in Japan in early 2005, which tells the true story of a nerdy guy who falls in love with a girl who he saved from a ruffian on a train. This entire story takes place on a Japanese bulletin board system called 2ch, or 'ni-channel', particularly in a thread called 'Men Being Shot from Behind', where single men get together and gripe about being single.

ASCII by Jason Scott: The Best BBS Movie Ever Made

by bcpbcp
The best dramatic movie about BBSes was created not in the 1980s, but last year, 2005. And it wasn't a movie, it was a TV series. And it wasn't made in the United States - it was made in Japan. It's called Densha Otoko (Train Man), and in my opinion it is the best dramatization of using a BBS, ever, in a visual medium.

Hoplon, estúdio desenvolvedor de Taikodom, ganha prêmio da IBM Brasil

by bcpbcp
Com o objetivo de incentivar a atuação dos ISVs (Independent Software Vendors) filiados ao programa PartnerWorld, a IBM Brasil premiou 15 parceiros de negócios que mais se destacaram no ano de 2005. Entre eles, a empresa catarinense Hoplon Infotainment, desenvolvedora do game Taikodom e parceira Advanced - Industry-optimized da IBM, foi selecionada na categoria Mídia & Entretenimento. ''Nosso objetivo é atuar cada vez mais perto do ISV, oferecendo todo o suporte necessário para que o desenvolvedor obtenha o melhor proveito das soluções IBM, além de conhecimento sobre as novas tecnologias. Outro fator importante é a troca de experiências entre as empresas envolvidas no programa'', afirma Ruth Harada, gerente de alianças da área de Software da IBM Brasil.

26 January 2006

mad4milk : About Mad4milk

by ludo & 8 others
mad4milk, a web design, web application agency located in rome, italy

72SEVENTYTWO™ // Design to serve its purpose

by ludo & 4 others
SeventyTwo is Alistair Holt's personal website about design, web design, web development, web standards, accessibility, and more. Based in Chester, North West

Need2Know - advice on student life, relationships, travel and more!

by ludo
The need2know - n2k - website, contains advice on Relationships, Student Life, Money Troubles, Travel and Leisure, plus a wide range of tips and resources to help you on exams, gain work experience. Plus our N2K magazine, with the latest of your opinions.

Freelance Web Designer London - CSS Freelancer - XHTML - Design

by ludo
This portfolio showcases the work of London-based freelance web designer Jean-Luc Thiebaut. XHTML / CSS developer, W3C web-standards, Flash design, logo design and branding.

Benoît Rondeux - Pilok v2

by ludo
Belgian commercial engineer with strong focus on web design