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PUBLIC MARKS with tag .net

September 2008

Introducing jBlogMvc

by ms_michel
Un premier article sur la réalisation d'un moteur de blog simple, prétexte à l'apprentissage de ASP.NET MVC et jQuery.

Professional C#/VB .NET Coding Guidelines

by ms_michel
.NET Coding Guidelines is a 100+ page ebook (PDF) on naming conventions, best coding practices and patterns written by the industry expert Steven Sartain and delivered to you for Free by SubMain.

Artistic Style

by ms_michel (via)
Artistic Style is a source code indenter, formatter, and beautifier for the C, C++, C# and Java programming languages.

Microsoft StyleCop

by ms_michel
StyleCop analyzes C# source code to enforce a set of style and consistency rules. It can be run from inside of Visual Studio or integrated into an MSBuild project

ASP.Net MVC Membership Starter Kit

by ms_michel
This project aims to provide you with a basic MVC website from which you can build up your own MVC application without having to implement Login/Logout, Registration, and User Administration manually.

Getting rid of strings (3): take your app settings to the next level

by ms_michel
In the previous parts of this series I talked about the problems with literal strings in source code and presented different strategies to avoid those problems. In this episode I'll explain how we can leverage the power of the Castle DictionaryAdapter to improve the way our applications access their app settings

ASP.NET MVC Application Building: Forums #1 – Create the Perfect Application

by ms_michel
In this series of blog entries, I build an entire ASP.NET MVC Forums application from start to finish. The goal is to discover and promote best-practices for building applications with the ASP.NET MVC framework.

Download Reporting Services Scripter

by brianwaustin (via)
Reporting Services Scripter is a .NET Windows Forms application that enables scripting and transfer of all Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services catalog items to aid in transferring them from one server to another. It can also be used to easily move items on mass from one Reporting Services folder to another on the same server. Depending on the scripting options chosen, Reporting Services Scripter can also transfer all catalog item properties such as Descriptions, History options, Execution options (including report specific and shared schedules), Subscriptions (normal and data driven) and server side report parameters.

ASP.NET Portal Starter Kit v3.5

by ms_michel
IBuySpy pour .Net 2.0 et .Net 3.5

MVC Tutorials

by ms_michel
A series of tutorials that explain ASP.NET MVC.

ASP.NET Model-View-Controller Applications

by ms_michel
The Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern separates the different components of an MVC Web application. This separation gives you more control over the individual parts of the application, which lets you more easily develop, modify, and test them.

August 2008

July 2008

Arnout’s Eclectica » URL-encoded slashes in System.Uri

by benoit
You cannot build a URI that contains a %2F character with the .NET framework ?!?!?!?!?! WTF

La généricité dans C#2

by ms_michel
(chapitre 13 du livre "Pratique de .NET 2 et C# 2")

Dropthings - open source Web 2.0 AJAX Portal

by ms_michel
Dropthings is a open source Web 2.0 Ajax Portal that shows the power of several .NET Framework 3.5 technologies. It supports widget based modularized website, drag and drop personalization of content and an open API for widgets. It is the sample featured in the book, "Building a Web 2.0 Portal with ASP.NET 3.5" and you can use it as a personal portal, a group website, a public portal or as a dashboard for an enterprise that aggregates services from different systems.

The ADO.NET Entity Framework Overview

by ms_michel
Eliminate the impedance mismatch between data models and between languages that application developers would otherwise have to deal with new features available in the upcoming version of ADO.NET.

LINQ to SQL: .NET Language-Integrated Query for Relational Data

by ms_michel
LINQ to SQL provides a runtime infrastructure for managing relational data as objects without losing the ability to query. Your application is free to manipulate the objects while LINQ to SQL stays in the background tracking your changes automatically

June 2008

QuickSharp 2008

by ms_michel
QuickSharp 2008 is a simplified C# development environment for microsoft .NET 2.0. It is designed to allow simple single-file projects to be edited, compiled and run without the need for solution or project files.