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PUBLIC MARKS with tags 咖啡 & Robusta

03 August 2008 17:30


by singlewinghx
READY FOR ROBUSTAS? What Robustas Have to Offer the Specialty Coffee Industry an article in "roast" magazine about Robustas

Coffee Plant: Arabica and Robusta -

by singlewinghx
Arabica coffee accounts for 75-80 percent of the world's production.Robusta coffee accounts for about 20 percent. While Robusta coffee beans are more robust than the Arabica plants, but produces an inferior tasting beverage with a higher caffeine content.

03 August 2008 17:15

Coffee Information: Arabica Coffee Beans vs. Robusta Coffee

by singlewinghx

03 August 2008 17:00

What is the difference between arabica and robusta? | Coffee and Caffeine FAQ

by singlewinghx
Arabicas must be grown at a higher elevation of 600 to 2000 meters. Robustas are hardier plants, capable of growing well at low altitudes of 200 to 800 meters.

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last mark : 03/08/2008 17:36