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PUBLIC MARKS with tag ウェブ



Site Submission MultiTool- Alan's Marklet Maker

by Metatron & 79 others (via)
I have described a JavaScript bookmarklet tool I cobbled so I can submit websites to multiple tracking sites. Maybe you too want to be able to do a one click submit to send sites to places like Furl or at the same time. (Well at least 2 people emailed me about it). Thus I am inspired to create this tool that allows you to select the ones you want and it will generate the bookmarklet tool for you.


by hatena

Clear Links to Current Page with Unobtrusive Javascript Version Two -

by bmpecho & 1 other
, I wanted some unobtrusive JavaScript that would automatically strip any link that was pointing to the current page. The problem with the first version was that initially, I didn't take anchors into account. A link to a page with an anchor was considered a different URL than one with an anchor. Then next step was to strip the links of all URLs that pointed to the current page regardless of the anchor. This time I went too far since we'd still want skip and top of page links to be active. In really thinking...

Mozilla Firefox Thunderbird の拡張あれこれ

by bmpecho & 4 others
ページ内検索 検索バーで検索した語を飛び先何処でもハイライト表示や、1つ一つ探してくれる優れもの. [to index]  [to top] ListZilla Firefoxにインストール済みのエクステンションリストを作成してくれる.プロファイルが壊れて再構成するときなど便利です. また、拡張によってはエクステンション・マネージャーからアップデート...

BmTools - Blogmarks - Trac

by bmpecho
integrates natively with Blogmarks. This is good ! But I hate that I need to hit the back button each time I copy an entry to my marks. Greasemonkey to the rescue :


by bmpecho & 1 other
BloggerはGoogleの中のサービスです。ゆえに、すべて英語のインストラクションである。私も若干の試行錯誤を経て概要を理解し、使えるようになった。 BloggerはCGIを駆使できるMovable Typeよりも機能は落ちるが、実用には十分耐える。テンプレートも開発されているので、デザインも自由に変えられる。自分でテンプレートを作ることも可能だ。HTMLの知識があればOK.だ。英語ではある...

RSS Panel Demo

by bmpecho
This little javascript is designed as a generec Greasemonkey user script. It's purpose is to display a little floating panel at the left hand top of any web page for which a RSS feed is available. The demo Greasemonkey is a Mozilla Firefox extension, so the script is only tested for Firefox v1.01. However, this demo might work in Safari or another DOM compliant browser as well - YMMV! If all works well, you see a horizontal, yellowish bar at the left uppr corner of the browser window. Initially the panel is...

Site Submission MultiTool- Alan's Marklet Maker

by bmpecho & 79 others
I have described a JavaScript bookmarklet tool I cobbled so I can submit websites to multiple tracking sites. Maybe you too want to be able to do a one click submit to send sites to places like Furl or at the same time. (Well at least 2 people emailed me about it). Thus I am inspired to create this tool that allows you to select the ones you want and it will generate the bookmarklet tool for you.

Pantone to RGB Colour Conversion

by bmpecho
I often get clients (or their print designers) telling me that I have to use a certain set of Pantone colours in web pages. I've created a Pantone to RGB conversion table to help change from print to screen colours. I hope you find this of some use.

slayeroffice | tools | color palette creator v1.6

by bmpecho & 41 others
It will create 10 shades of the base color, located top-left, at varying degrees of opacity. The top row emulates opacity over a white background, the bottom over black (or colors of your choosing as of v1.4). The opacity values are 100% opaque, 75%, 50%, 25% and 10% on the top row. The bottom row begins at 85% rather than 100% and continues on as the first. How to use it: Type a valid six character hexidecimal value in the text box above and hit the "ok" button. Click the "random base" color to get a rand...

but Beautiful: トラックバックという不幸

by hatena

ARTIFACT ―人工事実― | 昔書いたブログ論ピックアップ

by bmpecho
# rna 『ネット系の話題だと「気まぐれコンセプト」でネタにされた時点で終わった感を感じてしまうのだけど気のせい?』 これを読んで、 ARTIFACT ―人工事実― | ホイチョイがblogと言い出せばblogブームも本物だ を書いたのを思い出しました。2003年5月に書いたものなんですが、この頃が一番ブログ論を書いていた時期でした。 しかし、糸井重里氏は絶対「ブログ」について触れる...

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