public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from cascamorto with tags outils.webmaster &

July 2009

Sphider - a php spider and search engine

Sphider is a lightweight web spider and search engine written in PHP, using MySQL as its back end database. It is a great tool for adding search functionality to your web site or building your custom search engine. Sphider is small, easy to set up and modify, and is used in thousands of websites across the world. Sphider supports all standard search options, but also includes a plethora of advanced features such as word autocompletion, spelling suggestions etc.

January 2008

Google and Yahoo! Sitemap Generator for Windows :: GSiteCrawler

by 2 others
Google Sitemaps allows the webmaster to help Google index their pages optimally. The GSiteCrawler will help you generate the best Google Sitemap file for your website. The GSiteCrawler uses different ways to find all the pages in your website and can generate all sorts of files, statistics and more. The sitemaps file format has lately been also adapted by Yahoo! - even MSN/ is pledging it's support.